Residents age 60+
Nutritious meals delivered to the home on a daily basis, please call the Senior Center or Bristol Elder Services Information/Referral lines to register: 508-675-2101 or 774-627-1390
For All Residents
Norton Human Services (at the Norton Senior Center) can help residents process SNAP applications. Call us at 508-285-0235 or apply online at
This is an income eligible program: $2265/mo for 1 person, $3052/mo for 2 people, etc.
For Norton Residents age 60+
Available Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri
Pick up 11 am – 1 pm. These are heat and eat meals.
You must call 48 hours in advance to register!!
Meal orders are placed by 10:30 am on the previous day.
drive up, give us a “toot” of your car horn, and we will provide contactless delivery
Free for All Norton Residents
The Cupboard of Kindness is open on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of every month 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm. This town pantry is located behind Town Hall on 70 East Main Street. If this is your first time at the Pantry, please bring proof of residency.
Visit the pantry’s website:
If you don’t drive, delivery can be arranged.
Income eligible program for Residents age 60+
This is a monthly brown-bag program (groceries, fresh fruits & vegetables) the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Call the Senior Center to confirm eligibility and apply
For residents age 60+ meeting these gross monthly income guidelines:
Household Size of: 1 ($1473), 2 ($1984), 3 ($2495)
All Residents
If you find yourself in an EMERGENCY situation and are in desperate need of food or financial assistance, please call St. Mary’s St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Leave a confidential message for a same-day return call. 508-409-7311
Free for All Residents
All Meals are available to anyone from Norton and surrounding towns
Call 508-222-2933 for days and times or swing by the center to pick up a schedule
Trinitarian Congregational Church, 2 Pine Street, Norton now hosting meals
Nelson Senior and Community Center
120 Mansfield Avenue
PO Box 552
Norton, MA 02766